Thursday, July 21, 2011

Storytime with Ellie Kate

Me:"What do you want to talk about?"
EK:"Jesus and God. I want to talk about Jesus."
Me:"What about Him?"
EK:"I love Him and I wish I could see Him for a hundred years."
Me:"What would y'all do?"
EK:"We would spend time together."
Me:"What would you talk about?"
EK:"I would talk about Grammy and Pawpaw."
Me:"What about them?"
EK:"I would say that I love them and then they would take me to Nana's house."

New topic.
Me:"What else do you want to talk about this morning?"
EK:"That I would love on Mama."
Me:"Can you tell me a story?"
EK:"Once upon a time there was a girl named Ellie Kate. Ellie Kate found a handsome boy named Emmett. And she thought that she could marry him."
Me:"He's your brother and you cannot marry your brother."
EK:"Don't write that in the story. I didn't know his name so he told me his name and I decided to marry him."
Me:"So this is a different Emmett?"
EK:"It was a different Emmett."
Me:"What happened next?"
EK:"Me and Emmett went to a house and there was a mommy, a daddy, and a baby named Jack. Um...I thought they could come with us to our wedding. And then we married each other. And then we married each other and then I went to the hospital and there was two childs that came out of my tummy. And then it was Jessie and Repunzel. And then the kids wanted to go to our house. And then we didn't have a house. I told them we didn't have a house and then we told the workers to build us one. And then they build us a house with stairs. And we lived happily ever after. The end."
Me:"Good story."
EK:"Thank you."

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