Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Official Big Boy Haircut

Wow, how the time flies! I haven't updated this here bloggy blog in 2+ months. It's hard to even know where to begin. So here's a semi-recent post: Emmett's first official haircut.
Up until this point, Ross and I had taken turns restraining the little (powerful) guy. As the pictures will show, I am an advanced preggo and therefore I have absolutely no desire to wrestle a 2 year old. We also wanted him to have an 'even' cut for once. So we decided to try taking him to get a haircut.
I was seriously dreading the whole experience.
But thankfully, the little guy did excellent.

EK and Emmett checking out products.

A little game of chase with Daddy.
Getting the sucker ready.

Such the big guy.

Sister and Dorothy look on.

Just a little longer.

He's almost reached his limit. He started telling the lady,"No, no."

Cleaning him up.

EK got a sucker, too.
A look of relief on mommy's face.
Of course, I had to cry just a little bit when we got in the car. This is my Little Man that's growing up way too fast.
Our next stop was pizza and then on to find our Christmas tree.