I had a doctor's appointment on Friday the 21st of January. By this point I was already progressing toward having the little guy. In an effort to speed up the process, my doctor stripped my membranes. After that she kindly peeled me off of the ceiling.
Ross brought the kids to Tigertown to meet me for lunch. I was having contractions that seemed to be somewhat consistent. We decided that Ross would take the kids back to Reeltown while I drove over to the hospital and sat in the lobby. I had no intention of this delivery having any resemblance to Emmett's.
I drove over to the hospital. As I sat in the lobby I noticed that my contractions were getting more intense. I waddled to the elevator and rode up to the third floor where I checked myself in. I had an appointment with an epidural that I wasn't about to miss.
Everything happened so quickly.
Thankfully Ross made it back to the hospital just as I was about to start pushing.
I literally pushed all of ten minutes and Jack Watson entered the world.
He had a head full of dark hair. I had checked in at 1:30 p.m. and he was born just after 6 p.m.
My mom and sister arrived shortly after he was born.
When my sister was standing next to me holding Jack, I saw a shooting star out of the window behind her. I really did see it. It wasn't the drugs, people.
The Proud Daddy
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