Tuesday, October 13, 2009


We recently started having a family worship time. It takes place in the mornings. Ross gets out his guitar and plays some songs while we all sing together. He then reads a daily bible verse or scripture passage followed by prayer time. Ross even made up a great little praise song that gets EK and Emmett dancin'. EK sings 'pwaise da Woard'. It is so precious and we desire to keep incorporating this time of family worship into each day.

"The advantages and blessings of family worship are incalculable. First, family worship will prevent much sin. It awes the soul, conveys a sense of God's majesty and authority, sets solemn truths before the mind, brings down benefits from God on the home. Personal piety in the home is a most influential means, under God, of conveying piety to little ones. Children are largely creatures of imitation, loving to copy what they see in others."
-A.W. Pink


Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

I love this! We do prayers in the morning, at night and before meals, but I think a sing a long and Bible verse for the day would be awesome! Great idea and I love EK's dance moves.

Donna said...

What a beautiful way to start the day! I remember Elisabeth Elliott saying her family sang a hymn every morning before their day got going and she still knows all the words to so many of them. Your kids will definitely remember these times and treasure the truth they learn!

Jill Williamson said...

We love our worshp time too. Hymns for a kids heart is something we do. It teaches you about the author and then we sing the song. Ours is at night but so encourgaing to read this Amy. thank you for sharing.

--Shelley said...

i have never heard that quote before but i love it. our time at night has been so fun and brought our family together around scripture and prayer. i love hearing the kids pray for people. we read one of their bible story books, learn catechism questions, pray and sing. love it. and that baby boy of yours is so adorable. i am thankful to the lord that he blessed you with such a godly man. may your heritage be rich.